OSC Vendor Portal
Subcontractor Pre-Qualifications
O’Donnell/Snider Construction vets each vendor to ensure it provides the equivalent value of safety and service OSC provides to our client partners.
To become one of our partners on projects, please continue to the OSC Vendor Portal to register.
Attention DBE, HUB, MWBE & SB Subcontractors:
O’Donnell/Snider Construction, is soliciting firm information from DBE, HUB, MWBE and SB Subcontractors qualified in disciplines including, but not limited to, the following: CSI Divisions 2 through 16:- Sitework; Concrete; Masonry; Metals; Wood & Plastics; Thermal & Moisture Protection; Doors & Windows; Finishes; Specialties; Equipment; Furnishings; Special Construction; Conveying Systems; Mechanical; Electrical.